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Managing Eye Injuries in Dogs

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The eye is a very sensitive organ. Your dog can’t see anything without its eyes. Severe eye injuries don’t happen in an overnight. They start as minor injuries and develop with time. An eye injury usually happens when a foreign object finds its way beyond the eye lashes. As a matter of fact, the eye lashes are designed to stop debris and dust from entering into the eye. But there are objects that still manage to go past these lashes.

It’s easy to tell when the dog’s eyes are not in good shape. You will notice that the eyes blink a lot. There are some cases when the dog doesn’t want to be exposed to light. Such dogs usually have watery eyes. Upon close observation, you might notice green or yellow discharge coming out of the eyes. Such injuries should not be ignored because they can cause the dog to go blind.

Other Causes of Eye Injury

There are times when eye injuries result from the dog’s behavior. There are dogs that like to paw on their faces. Eye lashes that grow facing backwards are also known to cause eye injuries in dogs. Even a single strand of eye lash can really irritate the eye. Such a condition can only be corrected through surgery. Inverted eyelids can also cause eye injuries. They are actually the ones that hold the eye lashes.

Dislocated Eyeball Socket

There are accidents that force the eye to come out of its socket. The worst mistake you can make is to try to fix the eye back into the socket. That’s actually a reserve of the doctors. The best thing you can do is pour water into a bucket and add some salt to it. Salty water can do a great job in preserving the eye. You should then dip a clean towel into the salty water and place it on top of the eye. You can fasten the towel’s edges with bandage to prevent it from falling off. You should take the dog to the hospital immediately.

Excessive Blinking

 If your dog is blinking many times within a short period of time, there could be an object lodged inside his eye. You should wash your hands before checking his eyes. After that, you can start by raising one eye lid with your thumb so that you can look for any foreign objects. You should do the same to the lower eye lid and if all is clear, you can check the other eye. It’s recommended that you use a separate hand for each eye to avoid spreading bacteria. If you spot anything foreign, you should pour a lot of water into the eye to remove it.

Exposure to Chemicals

If you suspect that the eye injury was caused by coming into contact with a dangerous chemical, you should wash the eyes with plenty of water for approximately 20 minutes. It’s recommended that you keep the container that had the chemical. This is because the doctor will refer to the substance composition when treating the dog. You should take the dog to the nearest health facility as soon as possible.


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