The Ecological Impact of Dog Food
In the United States, the pet food market is estimated to be worth over $30 billion. Americans love their pets and will go to great lengths to provide nutrition for their pets.People will mainly buy pet food based on three main elements. These are marketing, personal beliefs, and what their pets prefer to eat.Over the last few years, there has been a rise in pet owners feeding their animals human-grade food. Sometimes they will even opt for some superfoods.While the idea may seem appealing to pet owners, the reality is that such foods may not be ideal. Nor may they be necessary for our beloved dogs. Talk

Communicating Better with Your Dog - The Scientific Approach
Whether it’s your own pup, a friend’s dog you’re babysitting, or a foster dog, getting your home ready for a new dog can be quite a hassle. You must make sure they’ll have access to food and water, a place to sleep, and plenty of toys. But all of this becomes way more challenging when you are getting a big dog. Larger dog breeds need a lot more careful planning, so we’ve decided to make a guide on how to prepare your house for a big dog and focus on the key elements that make planning for them so much different.

Prepping Your Dog for the Post-COVID Life
Well, with the world returning to normal, especially with vaccination at full tilt, you need to prepare your dog for the future.The biggest concern in this regard is a return to working in the office, especially for dog parents who have been working at home for over a year. The same is true if you are planning to go back to school, or will be spending a large part of the day outside the house.Your pet might have to spend a long duration on his or her own, and your friends and family might not be able to look in on them. So, what do you need to do?

Bringing a Dog into your world like a Pro
A pet always comes around and completes your family. And what could be better than becoming a new dog parent? It is an amazing feeling that makes you feel satisfied. But handling a dog is not an easy task; you have to stay alert at all times to keep an eye on how they are doing. Different dogs may react differently to new parents, so you have to make this transition easier for them; when you take on the responsibility of getting a dog, you need to keep a lot of things in mind so you don’t mess it up. It won’t be good for you or your dog.

30 Best and 18 Worst Dog Charities in the USA
Are you looking to make donations to a charity that serves dogs? You get to make a difference by helping the homeless, endangered and mistreated animals. Knowing the right charity to make your donation can be an arduous task as you’ll be considering some factors. Which dog charity is the best? What charity should I avoid? Guess these are some of your worries. It’s hard to know how much money goes into a nonprofit organization and how it is spent.

Wolf vs Dog emotions
Wolf vs Dog emotions Wolves and dogs are both members of the same animal family, Canidae. However, there is still a debate on whether these

The reality of losing my Dog to Cancer and 2 years later
Something a non dog owner can never understand is the emotional impact of losing your best friend. Some studies show that the emotional impact is

How to Choose the Right Rescue Dog: A Guide
Choosing the right rescue dog for your family can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only do you get to give a loving home to

Life Lessons from my Dog: How to Age with Grace and Dignity
My dog has been with me longer than almost anyone else in my life. She is getting on in years now, but she still has

9 reasons not to dock your dog’s tail
Docking, the process of cutting/amputating or docking a dog’s tail, is a controversial practice that is currently banned in many countries. While there are few

how many dogs can a dog walker walk?
The question of how many dogs a dog walker can walk at a time is often debated. Some say that one person can only handle

Woman surrenders to authorities after being caught dumping dogs on video
The Animal Care Services of San Antonio has released information on a dog-dumping case that recently became viral. A woman was caught on camera last

Woman intentionally starved her dog, facing charges
Break-ups can be though and it’s understandable if you want to punish the other party somehow. But when you choose to do that through torturing

Wolf vs Dog emotions
Wolf vs Dog emotions Wolves and dogs are both members of the same animal family, Canidae. However, there is still a debate on whether these

Why your dog won’t go on walks
Going on walks is truly one of a dog’s favorite things. Seeing new people, hanging out with other dogs, patrolling the territory and checking out

Why You Shouldn’t Wait Too Late To Socialize Your Puppy
[ad_1] When you first bring home a new puppy that’s only a couple of weeks old, you’ll likely find it quite fluffy and adorable. You
Why You should Add Oats into Dog Meals
The nutritional benefits of oats in your dogs diet shouldn’t be trivialized. As a matter of fact, oats are very good in keeping the skin nourished

Communicating Better with Your Dog - The Scientific Approach
Whether it’s your own pup, a friend’s dog you’re babysitting, or a foster dog, getting your home ready for a new dog can be quite a hassle. You must make sure they’ll have access to food and water, a place to sleep, and plenty of toys. But all of this becomes way more challenging when you are getting a big dog. Larger dog breeds need a lot more careful planning, so we’ve decided to make a guide on how to prepare your house for a big dog and focus on the key elements that make planning for them so much different.