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Can Dogs sense paranormal activity?

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Stories of apparitions and ghosts have fascinated me since I was little. Full of details, but scarce of “real” information, horror stories and monsters have the peculiarity of repeating themselves, in the same way that archetypes do, in each culture.

Just as the moon and the sun have been venerated by every human civilization, we find dogs constantly as messengers or protectors of the passage into the world of death. Anubis, the Egyptian god whose bust was a resemblance of a jackal/dog, or Cerberus the Greek mythological dog of 3 heads that guarded the entrance of the Averno, seems to indicate that, for some reason, we linked dogs with the mysterious world of the undead.

It’s not strange at all to hear legends and myths, with references  like if dogs howl between 3 and 4 am supposes a bad omen, or more commonly: if dogs bark for no apparent reason is “because they are feeling a presence.” Particularly black dogs have been hunted by some unscrupulous practitioners of the occult sciences, a practice that we must condemn as it may.

Particularly black dogs have been hunted by some unscrupulous practitioners of the occult sciences, a practice that we must condemn as it may. But beyond these darker aspects, we can ask ourselves Can my dog warn me about an upcoming event? Can he tell me something by barking this way repeatedly?

In this sense, it is my opinion that yes, dogs have several senses sharper than ours: sight, smell, hearing, and can predict things that we do not: Rain, earthquakes, the proximity of other people or animals, Even the intentions of those who approach us …

In any case, they will always be our most faithful protectors. Has a paranormal story happened to you and your dog that you would like to share? Write about it in the comments!

Also, watch this video and draw your own conclusions:


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