I was examining a nice-looking harness at a pet products show when the sales representative caught my attention – hook, line, and sinker – by demonstrating the most unique feature I’ve ever seen on a dog harness: buckles that you can fasten and release with just one hand (and your eyes closed!). What is this sorcery?

Thanks to the magic of embedded magnets in the metal buckles of Curli’s Belka Comfort Harness, these buckles fasten themselves in a flash, lift off just as quickly by pulling a tab, and yet hold the harness on the dog super securely. While I like almost everything else about this harness, these quick-on, quick-off buckles make this a game-changer for anyone whose dog is difficult to dress, or who has difficulty manipulating regular metal or plastic quick-release buckles. (Here is a link to video of the buckles being fastened and unfastened so you can see the magic for yourself.)
The Belka provides two generously sized D-rings for attaching a leash: one at the back of the neck (better for guiding the dog) and one at the back of the harness (for use on a longer leash). It also features a large handle – great for lifting or just holding a dog closely in case of emergency.

This harness comes in five sizes (XS – XL). The Belka slips over the dog’s head and is not adjustable at the neck (to keep the harness light), but it’s tailored nicely; as long as you check both measurements (the dog’s head circumference as well as his girth) on Curli’s online sizing chart, you’ll find it fits beautifully.
My dogs have the same chest size (girth) but Woody’s head and neck are much thicker than Otto’s. While the Large fits Otto well, the XL would have been a better for Woody, whose head measurement almost exceeded the sizing for Large, resulting in a too-snug fit around his shoulders. – Nancy Kerns
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