Rescue Love

Meet Tank | The Bark

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Dog’s name and age: Tank, 8 years

Adoption story: Our first dog of 11 years, an English Bulldog, passed away. After losing them, I was so sad I couldn’t imagine going through that again. After a few years my sister started sending me photos of dogs up for adoption. I always wanted to adopt from a shelter but was so in love with the English Bulldog breed and you don’t see many bulldogs in shelters. Well one day she sent a photo of an English Bulldog in a rescue shelter and my heart just melted! We filled out the application and the rest is history! 

Tank loves hanging with his dad—going on walks to find sticks, wrestling, helping with outside chores and playing with the bouncy ball. His favorite days on when we get visits from family, trips to the lake and the dog bakery.


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