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Can Dogs Eat Asparagus? – Whole Dog Journal

Can Dogs Eat Asparagus?
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Ever wondered ‘can dogs eat asparagus?’ Here’s what you need to know. Photo: Rasa Petreikiene/Getty Images

The green stalks usher in spring, making for an ideal addition to everything from omelets to salads. But can dogs eat asparagus? And, if your dog eats some off the floor, is it cause for concern?

“Generally, dogs can have asparagus,” says Dr. Anthony Hall, DVM, an expert affiliated with the pet telehealth app AirVet.

What Happens If A Dog Eats Spaghetti?

Can dogs eat spaghetti? Pasta is something, but spaghetti is different. Veterinarians may claim that pasta is fine as long as it is held moderate, while some may argue on the contrary. Depending on the moderation and ingredients put in the pasta, the answers may differ. The same goes for the question “Is spaghetti good for dogs?”. 

So the answer to the question; can dogs have spaghetti? Yes, as long as they are plain without the spaghetti sauce. Of course, there is still the factor to look out for, such as if the dog is allergic to any ingredients in the pasta.

Related: All About Dog Allergies

Is Pasta Bad For Dogs?

People also usually wonder can dogs eat pasta? Same with spaghetti, pasta is fine as long as it is plain. Pasta is usually made from flour, eggs, and water which is safe for dog consumption. Dogs and pasta are just a fine fit, but obesity is still something to watch out for. Food with any form of garlic or onion on the other hand, whether it is in powder or fresh form, is normally harmful to dogs. 

Having a dog consume such ingredients can lead to some serious health problems. Although we normally feel dogs cook food with pasta, how does it work? Can dogs eat raw pasta? The answer is yes, even raw uncooked pasta can be consumed by dogs.

Can A Dog Eat Tomato Sauce?

The answer is no, these homemade or canned tomato sauces usually have ingredients and spices that could be harmful to dogs. If consumed by a dog, it would most likely make the dog anemic and destroy its red blood cells. Worse, it could even lead to salt poisoning due to high sodium. It is important to be educated on what foods are bad for your dogs and what they may cause.

What If My Dog Eats Spaghetti Sauce?

It’s one thing asking “can I feed my dog spaghetti”. But the sauce is a no if a dog ate lots of spaghetti sauce containing some garlic or onions, be sure to look out for the symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, or even pale gums.

Is Asparagus Bad for Dogs?

The green stalks of asparagus that humans eat are non-toxic for dogs. However, if you walk by wild asparagus or grow it yourself, you’ll want to keep your pup away from it as Dr. Hall says asparagus berries or flowers can be toxic. He suggests putting up a fence around your garden if you grow asparagus.

Is Asparagus Good for Dogs?

Asparagus is full of zinc, which Dr. Hall says is good for immune support.

Cooking reduces the nutritional content of many vegetables, including asparagus – but dogs can’t benefit from those nutrients in raw asparagus; it needs to be cooked in order to make the nutrients available to dogs.

Pay special attention to your dog for a day after feeding asparagus. If you seen any signs that it did not agree with him, you probably won’t want to give it to him again.

“As with anything eaten, if they have a sensitivity to it, vomiting and diarrhea are the biggest things you’ll see,” Dr. Hall says.

“If it’s one bout of vomiting and they vomit the asparagus, don’t feed it to them again,” Dr. Hall says. “That should take care of it, although you can still feed something bland like boiled chicken and rice.”

If the symptoms continue, Dr. Hall suggests calling the vet.

Read Next:  What Vegetables Can Dogs Eat?


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