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18 week old male Cross-Breed available for adoption

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Alfredo is an 18 week old male Cross-Breed. This stunning little puppy boy will grow into a medium sized boy and he has a distinctively unusual, tri-colour, short coat. Our extremely handsome little chap Alfredo is a delightful puppy and he is very people friendly, to him everyone is his friend!

He enjoys playing with toys happily on his own and he excels in playing with other dogs and having a good rough and tumble. He does play a bit full on, so would suit a medium to large dog if there is one in the household.

Afredo has lived in a house, so he is nearly house trained just the odd little accident in the night. He would benefit with more lead training and general rules and boundaries, so in general “puppy training”.

This little boster would make a wonderful family pet! Current location is in Spain can travel to the UK once he has a home to go to in APRIL.

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Adoption Fee : £510 – to be paid direct to the Spanish rescue to cover new, excessive, extra EU travel costs, via UK bank account

Dogwatchuk West Midlands

If you are interested in adopting any of our dogs, please go to our website, and download an enquiry form or email us at [email protected] or telephone Denise Boardman on 0121 242 0369 or 07914737993; Katrina Wright 0121 247 9572.

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Dogwatchuk West Midlands


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