
a Tribute to Lucy

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i read this here; https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/2/8/1917495/–but-she-was-a-pit-bull and wanted to share it – if anyone would ever like to have their four legged friend mentioned here or on any of our social media pages please let us know! this story is from https://www.dailykos.com/user/Missys%20Brother – please enjoy:

Yes, she was a pit bull but she was oh so much more. I have had over twenty dogs and one cat in my life. I have loved each and every one of them equally. Always until this rescued pit bull, Lucy, came into my life. She left us yesterday at the age of 14 ½ years old. 

A lady in Kentucky was not able to keep Lucy as her daughter-in-law would not allow her grandchildren to visit while there was a pit bull. The lady had to get rid of Lucy so she was on her way to a dog pound. I heard Lucy was a very sweet lovable girl. In that part of Kentucky, it meant Lucy had one week to be adopted or she would be put to sleep. I heard about her situation and all I could think of that night was Lucy. I had never been around a pit bull and had to admit that I was a bit nervous about them. The next morning I called to say that I would give it a try. 

Lucy at her previous home before coming to mine

Some good Samaritans actually drove Lucy to my house in Connecticut. The couple wanted to spend a weekend in this area. Apparently Lucy had never been in a car, not even to a vet. She freaked out every time there was a tractor trailer truck close to their car on the interstate. They said she didn’t sleep the two days coming up, stood up in the car the entire time shaking and completely frightened. Upon arrival, she was out of control with my greyhound, cat and me. The couple went to a local pet store to buy a muzzle for her. Lucy was completely exhausted and had no idea what was happening. After two days of Lucy being here, I called the couple on their last day to tell them that it was not working out and I could not keep her. They said they would be over in a few hours to pick her back up. Lucy was sitting next to me while I was on my computer. I decided to remove her muzzle and she surprised me by trying to jump up in my lap. And then she started licking my face. When the couple arrived, I informed them that Lucy was staying. Thus began the most beautiful loving deep friendship that I have ever had with any animal. It lasted for over twelve years. 

I understand why pit bulls or Staffordshire terriers were the most popular breed of dog in America at the turn of the last century. They were known as the “Nanny Dogs” and everyone had them as pets for their children. They would watch after the children, protect them and loved playing and participating in their outdoor activities. Even “Spanky and Our Gang” and the “Little Rascals” had pit bulls as part of their crews. It’s horrible what unsavory types have done with some of this breed by taking their loving protective instincts and turning them into despicable actions. 

This is my earliest digital photograph of Lucy. Kenny Jose, the cat, shown here, arrived a few weeks before her as he came to our backdoor and insisted he was moving in. Lucy had never been around a cat before and was very curious about him and what he was eating. 

Cleo, our greyhound, that had adopted and allowed both Kenny and Lucy into her house shortly afterwards passed away. This photograph is the day when Cleo left and they are both wondering why she didn’t return with us. 

Lucy always respected Kenny’s space even when he took her bed over in front of the fireplace 

She was such a beautiful young lady 

Always staying beside one of us 

the most affectionate animal I have ever been around 

We rescued another greyhound, Roscoe. We went to his foster home to see if they would work out together. A water dish was placed down and both immediately started drinking out of the bowl together without any issues so we knew it was meant to be. Lucy and Roscoe loved going to the beach together. 

or a lake 

in all types of weather 

and no matter where Lucy goes, she finds a stick to chew 


She loved sitting on the back steps watching me perform yard work. 

but she didn’t like this neck scarf and especially all of us laughing at her 

Her absolute favorite thing was to go car riding. Anywhere, anytime. 

Rolling in grass was another favorite 

As big as the house is, these two always managed to lie beside each other 

and here they know it is getting close to the time that P arrives home from work as they wait by the front door

There are three different dog beds upstairs and of course Roscoe is wanting the one that Lucy is lying on. Here she is giving me a pitiful look requesting help. Roscoe started getting up in the bed and Lucy moved to another one. I always figured it is best to let them all settle their own skirmishes as long as no one gets hurt. 

These three were always hanging out together. Here the three know that P is cooking something. 

They all enjoyed the fireplace together 

And this one is really funny. Greyhounds have no body fat so when we are cold they are also. We thought Roscoe was already in bed for the night upstairs and had covered him with a light blanket. In a completely different part of the house, we told Lucy it was “last call” for letting her outside. Roscoe came flying down the upstairs hallway, down the stairs and through four rooms with the blanket still on this back to go outside. Of course, Kenny ran in to see what all the laughter was about. Lucy was “always” the first out the door and “always” the first one back inside. 

She didn’t like Kenny getting between us while I’m on the computer. 

Another one of her favorite play times with me was she would bring a chewy toy very close and dare me to try to take it away from her. She never ever tired of this game. When I would get the toy from her during the tug of war, she would run to bring another one. Our score was about even.

Everyone thought they should be careful of Lucy, the pit bull, but we laughed as it was really the greyhound to watch. Roscoe attacked another dog one day in a dog park and we soon learned to never let him around another dog except for Lucy. He also killed a rabbit and a bird in the yard. He loved all people and would go up to strangers and lean against them. Here he is giving me an evil eye because we had just bathed him outside. 

Lucy was never really affectionate with Kenny but during his final week, she allowed him to cuddle with her. We use to call her Nurse Lucy as she was always checking on all of us. 

She even allowed him to drink water with her. Kenny passed away in March 2019 on my birthday. 

Roscoe had a rear leg amputated because of cancer. I really think Lucy was the best medicine for him as her excitement when she knew she was going for a walk encouraged him to go also. Lucy would walk at his pace without any pulling. She just knew. 

Eventually Lucy became almost completely deaf and she started following Roscoe around as to see what was taking place. Roscoe passed away in May 2019 as he got cancer in his remaining rear leg. 

I had brought back my childhood teddy bear while cleaning out my parents attic as I thought Lucy might enjoy.  She especially loved it as shown below after she found herself now alone in the house. 

This was one of the last photos of Lucy. She demanded a car ride everyday until the end. Friday she couldn’t eat or drink, lost complete use of her back legs and had another serious issue. P came home from work early so we could take her to the vet. She left peacefully as she was licking both of our faces and looking in our eyes while they were putting her to sleep. 

It had been rainy, dark and cloudy all day long. As we returned from the vet and was approaching our house, the sky suddenly lit up with the most unusual bright yellowish light of a setting sun. Even a neighbor told me that all of a sudden her room filled with a bright yellow light and she had gone to look out her window. I like to think it was Lucy’s spirit rising to heaven. After arriving home, I went outside into the backyard and stood for over an hour in a light snow until there was no light left in the sky. I wished Lucy well on her journey and thanked her for everything. Yes, I had saved her life but she had also saved ours in so many different ways. RIP sweet precious girl. 

Yes, she was a pit bull but she was oh so much more. 

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