Rescue Love

10 Reasons To Rescue

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Gone are the days of pedigree purchasing and hello to the days of adoption of shelter animals. This movement is so important because there are so many amazing dogs, cats and other animals who are looking for their forever home. If you’re not convinced yet about why you should adopt a rescue dog, you will be in just 10 reasons time! Get ready to rescue!

Credit: Kim Dae Jeung
1. Starting With Statistics

Did you know the ASPCA has recorded that 3.3 million dogs enter shelters each year in the United States? The number was even higher in 2011 but thanks to more and more adoptions taking place, the number has gone down. 

2. Any Breed You Can Think Of

If you’re being put off adoption because you won’t find your desired breed, think again. There are actually a lot of breed-specific rescue centers. These centers will help you find the dog you’ve always wanted. There are even pedigrees in shelters! This means you have no excuse to go to a breeder!

3. Shelter Dogs Are Your Shadow

Research has been done to prove a difference between “pet dogs” and “shelter dogs”. What is this difference? It showed that the “pet dogs” will follow a human pointing. The shelter dogs are more likely to gaze and interact with the human. Why is this? It’s thought this is because shelter dogs have had limited time with humans. These dogs then make sure they take advantage of their human interaction time. 

4. The Cost Benefit

Most shelters will already have vaccinated and microchipped their dogs! This means they are healthy and ready to go to their new home. They will charge an adoption fee but is far less than the cost of a vet. This adoption fee also helps the shelters look after other pets who are still there. Your adoption fee is worth it! 

5. Aging Like A Fine Wine

Everyone loves puppies… But, what about the older dogs at shelters who are forgotten about? Puppies can be quite a handful! They are energetic, need attention and training! Depending on your lifestyle, a puppy might not be the right fit. An older dog could be the answer. An older dog could be easier to fit into a lifestyle that doesn’t cater to a puppy’s naughty behavior. 

6. Another Pro For Older Dogs

An additional pro to adopting an older dog is knowing their personality. Studies show that the personality of an adult dog is mostly consistent. You will know what you’re in for from the start. With puppies, their personality can change depending on the circumstances. You might connect with an older dog more easily because they have their personality developed! 

7. Having A Dog Is Good For You

Dog owners versus non-dog owners? How does this have anything to do with your health? Non-dog owners scored a lot poorer than dog owners on certain areas of life. These include stress levels being higher! For dog owners, their health was a lot better. They had lower stress levels, better general health and also better mental health. Dogs can do wonders for you and they become your best friend. 

8. Think Of Your Children

It is hard to get children outdoors to play these days. They would much prefer to live in their virtual worlds on their iPads. The solution might be to adopt a dog! It is not just adults whose health benefits but children too. A study found that children with dogs play outside more and also walk in the neighborhood. 

9. No House Training Stress

Stressing about having to house train a dog? With shelter dogs, you might not have to! This is thanks to foster programs that the shelters have. Dogs are sent to live with volunteers in their homes. This gives the pup some time with a real family. It will also provide insight into how the dog is in the home environment. This information is vital to making a good match between human and dog. 

10. Saving A Life

If you’ve rescued, you’ve saved a life. But, there’s actually a much bigger impact. By adopting a dog, it has a ripple effect. You’ve just opened up a space in a shelter for another pet! This gives another dog a chance to find a forever home. 

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If you’re already a rescue pet parent, thank you so much for opening up your home. Rescue pets appreciate us far more than we know. Some of them have had really hard lives so far. With you, they feel safe and have a family. If you can’t take on another pet just yet, you could also volunteer for a shelter. This includes fostering, walking or even donating some money to keep them going. Every little bit counts! 

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