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Symptoms of Dog Poisoning – Part I

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There are many ways poisons can enter your dogs system and cause harm. The most common way is through the ingestion of a poisonous substance. Toxins can also get in to your dog’s body through their skin or through inhalation. Bites of insects can also poison dogs. The severeness of symptoms of dog poisoning depends on the type of poison in question and the amount that has gotten into your dog’s body. You will notice some of the symptoms below if a toxic enters your dog’s body.

Loss of Appetite

If your dog isn’t interested in eating, even his/her favorite snack, it’s a sign that there’s something wrong. You might need to be concerned if your dog skips multiple meals. Seek veterinary attention if that’s the case.


Get veterinary help if you observe these symptoms.

If your dog vomits multiple times, make sure that you take a sample of vomit and visit your vet. There may or may not be blood in the vomit. Above all avoid inducing vomiting without consulting a vet. Because inducing vomiting can sometimes harm your dog depending on the toxin.


Dog poisoning causes excessive drooling. It can be followed by foaming.


Your dog’s body trying to flush out the toxins results in diarrhea. You may observe the stool to be Black, Green or Yellow and there may be blood in some cases.

Irritation of the Skin

You may see irritation of the skin when a toxic substance enters your dog’s body through the skin. Redness in the skin, rashes with swelling, itching and blisters filled with fluids are common symptoms that a poison has entered your dog’s body through his/her skin.

Loss of Coordination

Dogs lose coordination when a toxin starts affecting the brain. You will see that your dog is having trouble walking and avoiding obstacles. Substances such as Xylitol causes loss of coordination as soon as 10 minutes after it has entered a dog’s body.

Sensitivity to Light

Some poisons make dogs photosensitive. You will notice your dog searching for dark areas in such a situation. Furthermore, dogs might become sensitive to sound and touch too.


Find more symptoms of dog poisoning in Part II of this article. Here’s a list of common substances that are poisonous to dogs.

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