Wonder cures for people have been offered for decades and centuries. One would assume that after all this time, people have learned that the majority of such “miracle” cures and homeopathic “remedies” are utter garbage, but the stats show otherwise. Not only are people falling for such nonsense more and more, but pet owners are also subjecting their pets to such “cures” more often.
And the latest trend? Homeopathic pet “cures” from diseased animal flesh.
Yep, not only are pet owners injecting their four-legged best friends with the diseased flesh of animals, but they are also killing them and subjecting them to “horrific suffering” with these “treatments”, all for the promise of “homeopathic cures”.
RSPCA veterinary director Caroline Allen said: “We are very concerned to see unlicensed, potentially dangerous and ineffective treatments being sold online and would urge people to report these products to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD).
“While there does seem to be an increasing amount of “anti-vax” material online, this is not supported by a genuine evidence base.”
Amazon made it into the news last week when they announced that they’ll stop advertising anti-vaccination pseudo-medical products.
Such products, however, are nevertheless still very deceiving with their made-up medical-sounding names and high promises.

The RSPCA stress that choosing homeopathic remedies instead of vaccines is often the cause of fatal viral diseases such as parvovirus and herpes virus.
Parvovirus kills 9 out of every 10 dogs it comes in contact with and the herpes virus can cause spontaneous abortions and kill entire litters. And those are just two – skipping vaccinations can lead to a number of zoonotic diseases such as canine leptospirosis.
Danny Chambers, a council member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, said: “This is truly frightening.
“Safe and effective vaccines exist for these diseases.
“Using unregulated and scientifically implausible remedies bought from Amazon will leave your pet with no protection and at a high risk of contracting them.”