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Amazon delivery driver snatched a family dog but is caught

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Amazon delivery drivers may often get a bad rep, but every once in a while, it’s not without a cause. Just recently, an Amazon delivery driver snatched a family dog while delivering her dog food. Fortunately, after extensive efforts, the dog, named Wilma, was traced back to him.

Richard Guttfield – the dog’s owner – has spoken about his relief. After the dog went missing, Mr. Guttfield made the connection with the delivery of the dog food around the same time. In his desperation to find his 11-month-old miniature schnauzer Wilma, he even emailed the founder of Amazon.

Apparently, the delivery man had just dropped off a package of dog food to Mr. Guttfield’s home in Marsworth, near Tring. Spokesman from Amazon called the act “inexcusable“. They confirmed that the self-employed driver is no longer working for Amazon.

Mr. Guttfield and his daughter Emily tried to contact the online retailer. They were so desperate that they even emailed Amazon‘s founder – Jeff Bezos.

With his help, the self-employed Amazon driver was tracked down and the Wilma the dog was found at his home.

“We were absolutely desperate,” Mr. Guttfield said. “We never realised how much of an effect losing Wilma would have.

“She’s still not back to normal – it’s like she’s been drugged, she’s not happy,” he said.

Now, Wilma is finally back with her brother – Fred.

Amazon’s spokesperson has confirmed that the driver is no longer working for them.

Wilma’s owner was really happy to have found her. (Source: Richard Guttfield)

“This is inexcusable and does not reflect the high standards we have for our delivery partners,” he said.

“We take these matters seriously and this individual is no longer delivering Amazon packages for the independent delivery service provider.”

Mr Guttfield said the police were now investigating the delivery driver. He also thanked the charity Dog Lost, because a local volunteer helped in the search for Wilma.

Founder Jayne Hayes said the loss of a family pet was “devastating“.

“They are a member of the family,” she said.

“We have had issues before with delivery drivers and you will always get a bad apple.

“But the feeling of relief at finding a lost pet is like winning the lottery,” she said.

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