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The 2018’s Ugliest Dog title goes to Zsa Zsa, an English bulldog

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For the past 30 years, a special type of competition is being held – that of the World’s Ugliest Dog. This year, the honor and the title go to an English bulldog with an underbite and muscular, rounded front legs. Zsa Zsa, as the weird-looking bulldog is named, is the 30th wearer of the “prestigious” title.

Zsa Zsa is 9-years-old and her owner had found her through a pet-finding website. Megan Brainard of Anoka, Minn., loves her dog despite her “visual handicap”, should we call it. In fact, since Brainard will receive $1,500 for Zsa Zsa’s victory, she probably loves her even more now.

The curious competition is held annually to help organizers publicize the many pets that are available for adoption. The message is that not just the gorgeous dogs make for good pets. That message is perfectly shown through the happy way owners flaunt the imperfections of their dogs.

Zsa Zsa and her owner – owner Megan Brainard
Source: Sonoma-Marin Fair

The competition was held at the Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds in Petaluma, Calif., north of San Francisco.

“It’s a fun and silly way to advocate that all animals deserve a safe and loving home,” said Christy  Gentry, a spokeswoman for the Sonoma-Marin Fair.

There were all kids of strangely-looking dogs at the competition, as there are every year.

Some of them had hairless bodies, others had lolling tongues. This made for a great contrast with the glorious red carpet the dogs and their handlers walked down on, as a panel of judges evaluated them.

Some of Zsa Zsa’s runner-ups included a blackhead-covered Chinese Crested-Dachshund mutt, a Pekingese named Wild Thang, and a bulldog mix with excess wrinkly skin.

Last year‘s winner was a 125-pound Neopolitan Mastiff namedMartha. She had gas and a droopy face, which made her a worthy winner as well

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