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Hunting exploitation: Let’s save the Canarian Podencos

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Hunting exploitation: Let’s save the Canarian Podencos

The Canary Islands are a paradisiacal scenario, the friendliness of its people contrasts with the roughness of the mainland. Its cliffs, its beautiful beaches, and marine views are a true gift of nature.
However, the protectionist community of Telde, a locality in the Canary Islands, has reported a truly appalling situation.

Volunteers, who usually work in the care and rescue of dogs in a state of neglect and malnutrition, as is, unfortunately, the case of almost all countries except Holland, have reported one of the most shameful cases of exploitation we’ve come to know.

Telde: Hunter’s Paradise

Telde is a municipality located east of the island of Gran Canaria, whose sport hunting season, encourages enthusiasts to search for rabbits, birds, squirrels and other species of the area, using hunting dogs, specifically the Podenco breed, to improve their chances of displaying a hunting trophy.

Nevertheless, after the cessation of a short hunting season, scarcely six weeks per year, many hunters stop considering their hunting companions useful and opted to throw them off the cliff known as “Royal Barranco”. In this way they “save” the dog maintenance costs during the next 11 months, when they will buy a Podenco again and thus, the cycle is repeated every year.

Those who choose to keep the dog, often keep them in extreme malnutrition and maltreatment, with barely enough food to keep them alive for another year, for another hunting season…

If you are against this terrible faith for Podenco Dogs you can help them by signing a Petition for protection placed in Change.org urging the city council to take action.

Also sharing this article on your social networks can help more people sign the petition.

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