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Is it Normal for My Dog to Snore?

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Snoring in dogs is common for some different reasons. Sleep apnea, nasal blockage, genetics are all cause for troubles breathing during sleep. Dogs with genetically, short snouts have trouble breathing, regularly and those with longer tongues also have similar issues. If the problem of your dog snoring began after you have gone years not hearing a thing, there could be something blocking their nasal passages or congestion in the lungs.

Certain breeds like pugs, bulldogs, and boxers naturally have short snouts and noses with a confined nasal passageway. These dogs are prone to more complicated health issues because of this, and symptoms like snoring are common. Snoring is common in these breeds, and usually, presents itself from an early age, and continues through adulthood. Medications and sleep interventions can help your dog breathe better, but the snoring may just be part of their slumber.

If snoring is something your dog recently started doing in their sleep, there could be a medical problem presenting itself. There could be an infection in the nose or mouth, which is causing blockages preventing air from flowing freely. Maybe your dog has been sleeping on their back, which could just mean that their tongue is blocking their airways or their mouth is getting dried out.

Either way, snoring is usually not too big of an issue as much as it is an annoyance. As long as your dog is not waking up choking, or coughing, gasping for air, it’s safe to say that they’re just fine. The snoring may be hard to sleep next to, move your dog’s bed to the living room or see if your vet can prescribe medication if severe enough. Snoring is perfectly reasonable but can be a threat to you and your families quality of sleep.


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