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Dealing With Bone Fractures in Dogs

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Dogs suffer from broken bones from time to time. The bones get broken when the dog is hit by something or falls with a thud from a higher surface. There are instances when the bone joints get disconnected. In such a case, the bone is intact but the resulting dislocation causes great pain due to stretched muscles and ligaments. Fractures are very painful. Small fractures are actually known as hairline. Though they are very small, the pain they cause can’t be overlooked.

There are basically two types of bone fractures; open and closed. If the fracture causes the bone to tear through the skin, it’s known as open fracture. Such an injury is very easy to spot. On the other hand, a fracture that doesn’t force the skin to tear is referred to as closed fracture. You would have to be very keen to notice this kind of injury because there are no visible signs on the outside.

Symptoms of Bone Fractures

 When examining your dog, you are likely to come across a bone that’s protruding through the skin. Such fractures are very easy to diagnose. If the dog is walking with a limp and shows signs of pain when you touch certain body parts, there are chances that he has a closed bone fracture or a dislocation.

You should consider calling the vet because there is not much you can do on your own. As a matter of fact, you should handle the dog with a lot of care to avoid causing more injuries. You should never attempt to fix any dislocated joint. Moreover, you should not apply ointments on open fractures. This is because ointments are meant for external use only. Below is a list of common bone fractures and how to manage them.

  • Broken back: You should start by muzzling the canine just to protect yourself from any bites. It’s advisable to get a flat board that can serve as a stretcher. This is because you can’t carry him with your arms. Once the board is available, you should lift him gently without touching the neck or the back and make him lie on the board platform. You can then run some straps across his body to reduce his mobility. Take the canine to the nearest hospital.
  • Broken limb: You should gag the dog’s mouth with a muzzle and then put a soft piece of cloth under the affected limb. If the broken bone has penetrated through the skin, it’s important to cover the opening with a clean piece of cloth to keep it free from bacteria. You should not attempt to re-align the bone because you don’t have such skills. You should then load the injured dog into a car and take him to the hospital.
  • Broken tail: Dealing with a broken tail is like rocket science. If the injury took place a few days a go, the tip of the tail is likely to change in color. You may not see any blood on a broken tail. If it appears broken and the dog is uncomfortable, you should seek medical help immediately.


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